September 30, 2020

Educating students to reduce discarded food

Students put edible food in the fridge
This food is shared with other students

We created a collector of bread


Ecosytems - Bird homes and insect hotels

Our purchased 

an insect hotel and 2 bird homes

September 28, 2020

September 17, 2020

Raised vegetable garden beds

 We opted to get two raised garden beds to grow plants with students

September 14, 2020

We recycle discarded food at the canteen

We continue to recycle discarded food at the canteen :

We continue our practices :
  • weighing the bucket
  • feeding the chickens

September 07, 2020

Recycled vegetation waste

We continue to recycle our vegetation wastes by crushing them

and spread them to nurture soils and vegetation

September 03, 2020

Fridge to reduce wasted food

 Students asked for a solution to share uneaten edible food :

So students and teachers thought of a fridge to stop discarding their :
  •  apple 
  • yogurt
  •  ....