April 21, 2020

France - the story of "Botilda, the plastic bottle"

Botilda - Group 1
by Serge
  • The bottle crosses along the rivers. It approaches the sea. The bottle ends up in the sea. It approaches a mountain of waste. The bottle turns around. There are a lot of areas where there are mountains of waste. Wastes pollute waters. Waste decomposes in water. They are dispersed in water. The fish absorbs waste. We don't really understand.
  • All the waste must be recycled because they can damage the life of marine animals, they can cause damage to the skin of humans: in brief all waste deserves a new life

by Mohamed
  • Botilda is in a river. It crosses the river, goes to the other waste in the sea which forms a thick layer of waste. There’s a lot of garbage in the sea. In every corner of the continents there is waste in the water. This huge amount of waste is floating in the sea. The waste is decomposing. The decomposition of the waste is spreading into the sea. The fish feed on decomposed waste streams in the sea. The fish that eat garbage and the fish is eaten by humans.
  • To conclude, wastes thrown by man into the sea, create viruses and pollute the planet. This impacts the climate’s global warming; we have seen that the fish that eats the waste is found in the plates of humans.

by Dondi

April 20, 2020

Romania - anwers to the video

Romanian students share 
their answers 
about the video 
they proposed to study 

Batros Emilia

1. The action which impressed me the most was the one with the bear's head, because it is such a selfishness to destroy the animals, just to see them on your walls.
2. There is a similarity between the situation from that video and our world, because lately, the humans has been destroying our world just to be more comfortable, not worrying about the effects of their actions.
3. I don't think i am that kind of person because i'm trying to save this world as much as i can through all of my actions.
4. The most important thing with which i'm trying to save the planet is recycling everything i can, wherever i can and influence others to do it.
5. The scene from the end of the movie i think it reffers to the damage made by the humans and their actions will bring their death.
6. Three solutions are: recycling everything wherever we may go, planting as many trees as we can and trying to use less electricity, water and other energies.

Cristea Andreea

1. Out of all the situations, I was most impressed that some people were willing to sacrifice animals to be happy.
2. As far as we can see, there is a great connection between the situation in the video and the world we live in because most people have destroyed the world in order not to ruin their comfort.
3. I don't think I'm such a person, because I try to help the planet as much as possible.
4. The most important thing I do to help the planet is to recycle.
5. I think the end of the movie means that people put so much imprint on our planet until they got to destroy it.
6. The three situation would be: recycling, stopping activities that produce pollution and planting tress.

Mihalec Ana

.The situation that impressed me most was the one where for the pleasure of some of them having animal furs that decorative objects were killed animals.
2.The connection between this movie and the world we live in is that people have become blameless for the damage and suffering of nature and animals, destroying everything just for their own comfort.
3.I do not think I am that kind of person, because I am in favor of violence against animals and I get involved many times in the activity that have the purpose of saving and protecting nature.
4.In order to avoid this I try to recycle, being careful not to waste water and energy.
5.The significance of the film for me would be that the actions we do will have repercussions on us.
6.Three solutions would be saving energy and water, recycling and convincing those around us to help protect the environment to make the school more sustainable.

Gotu Stefan

1.I was impressed the most by the nature destruction.
2. The people aren't thinking of the planet helth anymore and that’s sad.
3.No , I am not .
4.In order to avoid this, my family and I try not to pollute and throw the garbage where it is needed.
5.The end of the movie has the significance that if we don’t stop soon the planet  will be full of trash and we gonna destroy it.
6.1-every school have to learn the students how to pollute less and where to throw the trash
2-people who continue to pollute should be fined for stopping them
3-let's start caring more about the planet

Tutui Oana

  1. Of these situations, I was most impressed with the situation in which man detroys nature and the treasures of nature, so that gain things after its destruction.
  2. Nowadays, man would destroy everything that stands in his way, just for him to be happy. Animals, nature, friends are subject to human evil.
  3. I’m not the kind of person who would do this, because I love nature and animals so much. Nature and animals are one of the factors that ensure my happiness and well-being.
  4. To protect this, I am against cutting down forests or animal violence, both in family and in society.
  5. For me, the ending of the movie is a lesson. Life teaches us to do good things, that in the end we will be happy. If we do bad things, happiness disappears.
  6. To become a responsible citizen, we must: protect nature and the treasures of nature, we must be civilized and respectful in society, teach others how to behave in society. 

Dumitru Ana

1. The situation that impressed me the most was the one with the pollution of the ocean, because we don"t even think how bad we can do to the animals around us, only because we are not able to throw the waste where we have to.
2. It is a similarity between that video and our world, because people think about their well-being and comfort and do not attach importance to the environment, being very selfish when it comes to their wishes.
3. I do not consider myself  to be that type of person who pollutes, on the contrary , I try to save the planet by my actions, collecting my garbage and storing it where I need to.
 4.The most important thing I do to save the planet is to recycle, but also to encourage others to follow my actions.
 5. I think the end of the film suggests how as a result of the negative actions we do on the planet they will turn against us.
6. Three situations we can do to save the planet are: recycling, planting trees and using biodegradable products.

April 06, 2020

France - students answer the questions

French students share 
their answers 
about the video 
proposed by 
the Romanian partner


and others are here