January 29, 2020

Romania - video of past actions

Romania created 

a video to present its 

past actions 

and links with local 

Romanian partners

January 23, 2020

Italy - pallet workshop

Our Italian partner

We created a pallet wall planter


Italy - local recycling center

Our Italian partner

We visited the local recycling center

Italy - Awareness campaign

Our Italian partner

We start a new awareness campaign in our school for the first and second classes. We explain how separate collection is done and we leave "CESTINARIO" in each class, that is a short guide that explains where to put waste

Italy - SAVE project

Our Italian partner

We participate to the SAVE project which means Sustainability Action Travel ("Viaggio" in italian) and Experience. A traveling exhibition that aims to raise students' awareness of the issue of environmental sustainability and the circular economy

Italy - Scania Italia

Our Italian Partner

One of our sponsor "Scania Italia" invited us to participate to the Ecomondo fair, the largest fair in Italy for environmental and sustainability. We have seen how large transport companies tackle the problem of climate change, energy saving and waste recycling.