April 30, 2019

Romania - They speak about us

The Romanian press mentions 
  • the students' visit to Poland here 
  • the students' learning outcomes here
  • our Romanian partner's commitment to Erasmus+ actions here

April 29, 2019

Romania - a European prize

Congratulations to Romania from all its partners !!!

=> Our college participated today to a National Contest called "Made for Europe", which proposes to:
- disseminate the results of the Erasmus projects,
- value the resulting products,
- increase the visibility of products.

Our project, "How sustainable is my school?" has won 3rd place. 

The prize will take place over 3 weeks. 

Then I'll upload the pictures to Etwinning!🤗🤗🤗

April 10, 2019

April 06, 2019

France - local sustainable market

Les Ă©lèves organisent un marchĂ© artisanal local Ă  F.Buisson

Nos partenaires, des producteurs locaux et des officiels, y participent

  • La Mairie d'Ermont (ici),

  • Le syndicat Emeraude (ici),

the press mentions our event

France - Open Day & Career Fair

April 03, 2019

France - Planting flowers

Students planted flowers 
helpeb by their teacher Mrs CLEDE 

April 02, 2019

France - Goats are back to school

Our partner, La Ferme Francilienne, and our students collaborated to  construct the goats' shelter.


The goats feed from the grass, flowers, shrubs and trees. They help us reduce our vegetation wastes to the landfills