March 27, 2018

France : educational Stakeholder - IUT Val d'Argenteuil

French students 
shared their experience
with university students
 on waste management 
acquired at school 
and during mobilities.

March 23, 2018

France : Erasmus+ students inform French younger students

Career Fair 

Future students from local secondary schools discover our branches of studies at Ferdinand Buisson vocational high school

-vidéo n°1 :

-vidéo n°2 : click here 

March 22, 2018

LTT in Romania - Europass forms

The forms are for the participants who participated to the LTT in Romania

  • click here to have a look at the Europass forms

March 19, 2018

Romania LTT - report

First Activity Report

Focșani, Romania
5-11 March 2018

Erasmus strategic partnership + key action 2
How sustainable is my school?

Mihail Kogălniceanu Economic College, Focsani implements the Strategic Partnership Project KA219 "How sustainable is my school?", which runs from 01.09.2017 to 31.08.2020 and is funded with the support of the European Union through the Erasmus +

Partners in this project are:
·               FRANCE, Lycée Professionnel Ferdinand Buisson-coordinator
·               ITALIA, Instituto Tecnico Economico Tecnologico
·               GERMANY, Europaschule Langerwehe Gesamtschule
·               POLAND, Zespol Szkol Ogolnoksztalcacych i Zawodowych w
·               ROMANIA, Economic College Mihail Kogalniceanu

The working language of the project is English.

On March 5th-11th, 2018, the Mihail Kogalniceanu Economic College in Focsani held the first training and learning meeting between partner schools. At this meeting, participated:
·               4 teachers and 8 students from France
·               3 teachers and 6 students from Germany
·               2 teachers and 7 students from Poland and 2 teachers and 7 students from Italy
·               teachers and students from the Economic College (Romania).

The aim of these activities is to stimulate environmental initiatives and to awaken the interests of students, their families and collectively, in general, to environmental issues. Students and teachers have been trained to find solutions to reduce environmental pollution and to promote initiatives in the field of nature protection, to organize educational campaigns to protect the environment, recycle and save natural resources. At the same time, we have proposed to improve the language skills of communication in English, to know new territories in terms of historical, cultural and geographic, to develop team spirit and to develop a European citizen consciousness, based on values ​​such as tolerance, respect and recognition differences.

On Tuesday, March 6th 2018, the opening the was held at the Vrancea School Inspectorate in a festive setting, where the objectives of the project were announced, activities, the participating countries and schools were presented.
The event was a special one in the local community, proven by the presence of representatives of local authorities who attended the event and whose support the Economic College benefited for the smooth running of the activities that will take place in the week 5th-11th March 2018, in Focsani: Cristi-Valentin Misala - mayor of Focsani, Cristian Dănuţ - vice-president of the Vrancea County Council, Lauriana Ailincuţei - local councilor, Marcela Ghiuţă - president of the Renato Association. In addition to the team of coordinating teachers, Prof. Dorin Cristea, General School Inspector, Prof. Aurel Selaru, Deputy General School Inspector and Professor Teodora Bentz, Romanian Language and Literature Inspector, was also present.

 Wednesday, March 7th 2018, two thematic visits were held at Vrancart Adjud, a company whose main activity is "the manufacture of corrugated cardboard, corrugated cardboard and hygienic-sanitary papers" from recyclable waste and at Petresti Ecosystem to view the process recycling of plastic waste. S.C. VRANCART S.A. Adjud and Petresti Ecosystem are biodegradable and have no negative impact on the environment, which shows a permanent concern for the protection of nature and the environment.

On Thursday, March 8th 2018, 3 workshops were organized at the school: trinkets workshop, eco wallet workshop and a poem creation workshop based on words such as sustainability, recycling, reuse, ecology.

On Friday, March 9th 2018, a thematic visit was organized at the Water purification station, where students had the opportunity to see one of the most modern wastewater treatment technologies in Romania.

On Saturday, March 10th 2018, students and teachers gathered at the school to create and vote the project logo. 10 logos were drafted, and the vote was chosen by the German team.

Analyzing the training and learning activity in our school, we realised:
·               a very good interaction between partners, sharing ideas, pleasant working atmosphere;
·               the objectives have been well defined and achieved in full;
·               the documentary visits were well organized, helping the partners to enrich their notions about ecological actions and Romanian culture;
·               workshops have been carried out in optimal conditions, with partners contributing equally to the achievement of tasks;
·               a good collaboration between local decision-makers, parents, teachers, students has been proven;
·               the promotional materials were visible and performed correctly;
·               each participant received the attendance certificate at the meeting.

The conclusion was that the objective of the meeting was successful and the impact on the target group was positive.

March 15, 2018

France - Showcasing

Gifts given by our Romanian partner 
showcased in the main building hall

March 14, 2018

France - Direction de l'Environnement et du Développement Durable

A training organised by the Region and a presentation of local associations

Agenda of the meeting => click here

  • Association Teragir
  • Région Ile-de-France
  • Association Eco-lycée

  • Get and see resources at =>

March 13, 2018

Poland - Ministry

The Polish ministry
the participation of 
the Polish school 
in the project

March 12, 2018

Romania LTT - Project logo

The students who travelled to Romania 

selected the project logo :

Romania LTT - Feedback from French students

  • Questionnaire => click here

  • Testimonial => clik here

  • Students' Videos after the LTT=> click here