October 13, 2017

France - November 2017 staff meeting - invitation

Erasmus+ project
“How sustainable is my school?”

 November 2017 Transnational Staff Meeting invitation
Invited participants to the transnational staff meeting:

  • Germany: Mrs NEHLS BHAYANI Suzanne and M. DAUVEN Klaus
  • Italy: Mrs GENNARI Anna, M. PAOLUCCI Roberto and M. LANARI Gianluca
  • Poland: Mrs MATERNA Katarzyna and M. SZKLAREK Olek
  • Romania: Mrs GAUCAN Marilena and Mrs TOADER Diana

Dear colleagues,

We are glad to invite you to take part in the first transnational staff meeting that will be held at Lycée Ferdinand Buisson in Ermont, France, from November 9th to 10th 2017.

The aim of this first transnational staff meeting is to welcome both teaching and non-teaching staff from our project partners, present the characteristics of our schools, share information about the project management and implementation (e.g. identification of stakeholders, launched activities, …), prepare the student’s transnational meeting held in April 2018 in Romania.

The communicational language used will be English.

We hope the accommodation facilities we suggested, the “CDFAS”, will prove convenient taking into account the location, the service quality and the price range.

The following agenda outlines the 2-day staff meeting program. We hope it will allow us all to express ideas or ask questions.

We look forward to welcome you all.

On behalf of the school Erasmus+ team

M ALLAN Richard